Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Recap!

This weekend we have had a couple of fun family get together's with some of our Homeschool friends. Friday night, 10/10/08 - we met at Lakeland Presbyterian Church for the CHEB Back-To-School Kick-off. It was a lot of fun to fellowship and enjoy great food with our friends from CHEB. The kids really had a great time together. Saturday was a relaxing day for the most part and Sunday was wonderful because we went to worship at 9:30 and I served with the Toddler class at 11 a.m. After church, we met at the Ates home for Sunday Lunch and fellowship with the Sharp's and the Gaughf family. It was so enjoyable getting together with them which made for a great end to our weekend. My heart has been blessed from the sweet fellowship with my family and friends!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Love,
I have added your blog as a link on my blog. You can read mine at
So now, you have to keep this updated becuase I am going to come look at it. :)